The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) works to promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), being a fundamental purpose to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). that make up the 2030 Agenda approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) on September 25, 2015. One of the recent initiatives of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, IESALC (UNESCO-IESALC) and the Association for Learning Design and Education for Sustainable Development (ALDESD) has been the organization in 2022 of the Bootcamp on Pedagogical Design and ESD, the context in which this work is framed. This project is designed for a specific training module lasting 20 hours distributed over 5 weeks and integrated as a training complement of 1 ECTS within the Degree studies in Early Childhood and Primary Education. In this module the students will be able to develop the key competences for sustainability in an equitable way. The main SDG worked on is the SDG 4 "Quality Education", in addition to SDG 10 "Reduction inequalities", SDG 16 "Peace, justice and strong institutions", and cross-cutting SDG 17 "Partnerships for the goals". The main strength of this project is its replicative effect on society, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in the Agenda 2030. Therefore, this module aims to pave the way for the development of sustainable projects with a significant impact, thereby sowing the seed of change in students and also in their future classrooms, which will be shaped by the society of today and tomorrow.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria-Jose Igual-Perez, Aránzazu Duque Moreno, Carolina Calvo García, Paula Martínez López