Gems, buds and slippers or what a series of visualisation tells us about the Learning and Teaching in Higher Education tweetchat (#LTHEchat)


higher education
professional development
social media
professional community

How to Cite

Nerantzi, C. 2021. Gems, buds and slippers or what a series of visualisation tells us about the Learning and Teaching in Higher Education tweetchat (#LTHEchat). Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 1, 1 (Dec. 2021). DOI:


This article is an inquiry into what the professional development initiative Learning and Teaching in Higher Education tweetchat or short #LTHEchat means to some of its participants as expressed through their visualisations provided during the 200th tweetchat on the 17 March 2021. These  provide insights what the weekly tweetchat means to them. The findings suggest that the #LTHEchat is experienced as a caring and inclusive community of diverse individuals who come together to connect, support each other, experiment and develop themselves and their practice.
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