Exploring the merits of including an optional reflexive writing workshop within a compulsory undergraduate module


university students
writing workshop
public engagement

How to Cite

Paltoglou, A.E., Lilley, H.J., Lad, V., Hussain, M. and Nerantzi, C. 2023. Exploring the merits of including an optional reflexive writing workshop within a compulsory undergraduate module. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 2, 3 (Jul. 2023). DOI:https://doi.org/10.56230/osotl.47.


There is some evidence that reflective writing can have positive learning and teaching outcomes. Although there is some discussion in the literature about the merits of stand-alone creative writing workshops, to our knowledge there is not much evidence on the effects of a reflective writing workshop offered as part of a formal university module, with the aim to enhance and complement learning and encourage students to connect with the wider scholarly community through their writing. Brief testimonials were analysed using thematic analysis. The writing workshop appeared to provide a space to write freely while negotiating power structures in academia, a space to develop an individual writing voice and a writing habit. The publishing part of the workshop was also not taken up as much, which emphasizes the importance of focusing on the process rather than product in education.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Aspasia Eleni Paltoglou, Heather Jayne Lilley, Vyjantikumari Lad, Maryam Hussain, Chrissi Nerantzi