Sharing practice on framing feedback around student development


assessment and feedback
higher education

How to Cite

Paterson, H. and McAleer, P. 2022. Sharing practice on framing feedback around student development. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 2, 1 (Oct. 2022), 123–134. DOI:


In this article we share practical and evidence-based advice on framing assessment feedback around student development. The practices that we share are centred on two aspects of framing feedback. The first is in how feedback is generated and how the teacher can author effective feedback by making it personal, situated within the student’s learning journey and by providing actionable points for the next assignment. The second aspect that we share is the framing of feedback in relation to student reflection and use of the feedback, scaffolding the development of a dialogue between student and teacher, and helping the student to situate their assignment and feedback within their own wider learning journey. Ultimately, we want students to find feedback useful and for feedback to represent a positive interaction between teacher and student, but both teachers and students need tools that help them to create usable feedback.
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Helena Paterson, Phil McAleer